The Things You Do…

Hello Hello!!

So everyone does activities that make them happy, hobbies like reading, cooking, crafts, and so much more! Then there are others who take on other jobs that will make them happy, I am both! Lol, I don’t know what I was thinking but even though I have a crazy schedule and am pretty sleep deprived, becoming a coach was one of the best moments in my life.

I was always a basketball player; in middle school I was always a force to be reckoned with. But then I got into high school…..things did not transfer over, all of the sudden the game didn’t make sense anymore, there was more girls that had more years than I did, coach’s (no offense intended) tend to (not intentionally I’m sure) pick favorites. It is much easier to work with players that already know what they are doing, than to take the extra headache, sometimes, to work with new players to mold them into the next greats. Don’t get me wrong I totally understand that it is in the teams best interest but as a freshman in high school I was hurt and when it was going to be the same coach again, well I wasn’t about to put the work in only to not get to play in any games ever. So I became a cheerleader!

Becoming a cheerleader was so much fun, you get to learn cheers, dances, stunts, tumbling, and so ย much more. And from that I became good at something once more ๐Ÿ™‚ In cheerleading when you are stunting there are bases a flyer and backspot. I was to muslcey to be a flyer so I became one hell of a base and backspot. Now granted usually as a coach you try to have the tallest players be the backspot same height players be the bases and the smallest players be the flyers. We totally did things backwards in my squad I was the backspot and the tallest people on the team were my bases, did it give me an edge heck yes!! I totally enjoyed it, but being a coach now and looking in on what was actually going on with the coach as well, HOLY CRAP!! Do I have more respect for all those other coaches out there. We put so much work into our programs I mean it isn’t easy trying to wrangle high school students into behaving and everything. I mean don’t get me wrong there is always laughs and fun times, but sometimes it sucks being the bad guy!!

In cheerleading there are many little things that must happen in order for the whole big picture to look better. The coach must create at least 4 quarter time cheers in which case between all quarters something can happen for the crowd which is complicated because the time is short and you need to get something fun and exciting in those routines. There is the competition routine in which you are allowed 2:30 to get dancing, tumbling, jump, transitions, stunting, and a cheer all mixed into one. And BOY is that rough…because you also have to find music that makes the crowd tune into everything!! But for the kiddos you try to make sure that it is challenging and fun because players that are having fun will most likely perform MUCH better than if they are pushed to their limits and not having all that much fun.

“Don’t Let the Pretty Bow Fool You! I Am A BEAST!!”

Struggles of the Work Place

Hello Hello!!

Dealing with problems in the work place…Goodness gracious what a topic to bite off and chew….In the work place especially a new one everyone tries to make a good impression of themselves, right? Especially when you have to work one-on-one with another person and everything…GOSH it’s horrible…I myself went through 6 weeks of training and for my job it was the slow part of the year so training itself was VERY slow….

Alright so we have survived training! But what next?? We are kicked to the curb…working alone now, everyone is breathing down our necks, watching us, just waiting for us to make mistakes…and of course mistakes will be made, we are stinking newbies!! It’s to be expected!! I think the telling part of a company, business, or just place of work is how they react to a new person making his/her first mistakes. If they are level-headed and give you good critiques as well as being nice as well then you have found yourself a winner!! Now on the other hand…if the first thing they do is mark up your paperwork with a cacophony of colors, send you daily emails, talk to you in person in a semi mean way, make you feel uncomfortable all the time, well my friend it may be time to either buckle up you’re in for one hell of a ride; OR it might be time to send in that resignation letter because it might be too much for you yourself to deal with. I myself have now recently dealt with both, and I can say that I prefer the former MUCH more, because then you know that it is okay to mess up and no one is going to seriously penalize you. The second I must say isn’t all that much fun…it’s very much a depressing way to get scolded all the time, because just from what I’m feeling, I don’t feel good going home, if I’m having a good day I’ll get an email, I try avoiding other people, I don’t want to go to work. And those are just SOME of the things that I can think of, I mean seriously who wants to deal with that???

Now I personally have gone through many jobs, not because I just up and quit all the time. But because most of the jobs I’ve gotten in the past have a start date and an end date. I’ve worked in schools, for an airlines, a restaurant, police department, a tutoring business, a native corporation, and a few other places. But in all of these many experiences I have seen many different boss types, and I have found that the best look out for their employees. They don’t take the high road, they work along with you, and they enjoy the work everyone is doing. Don’t get me wrong they all have earned their places as the bosses or head hancho people, but it’s the ones who remember being in your place that I respect so much more. Because being a humble person is soooo much more cooler than just being a boss. There is sooo much more than just the title of boss….It’s kind of like being a parent, it’s not just a title; it’s a huge long list of stuff that is piled onto your plate.

In the words of E.M. Kelly

“Remember the difference between a boss and a leader: a boss says Go–a leader says Let’s Go!”

Quiet Time?

Hello Hello!

Good early morning everyone!! So the question of the day is what do all moms or dads do for quiet time, to recenter your own self during the minute, hour, day, week, month etc? I only ask this because I am honestly curious! I personally am a hobby freak, like I’ve mentioned before I am a huge crochet/knitting fanatic ๐Ÿ™‚ I also enjoy cross stitch, friendship bracelet making, reading, zoning out to the TV, recently I’ve found making dinner a soothing zen thing to do ๐Ÿ˜› What else is out there? How do other parents find that one moment alone without the child(ren)?? Because come on let’s face it, being around the kiddo(s) all the time is like OMG I need a minute, we all have had it happen, I know recently I’ve been pretending to be asleep when I hear my daughter running back to my room. She has trumped me though…she found that if she takes her socks off runs around on my wooden floors a bit then puts her foot against my arm, chest, or face she will get a reaction…The little stinker!! But I must congratulate her ingenuity.

Who could have guessed that when we all became parents we lost our own personal time, there is no moment when we are alone! Goodness gracious sometimes, it’s very hard not to bark and be irritated all the time, because the child is just trying to learn something new, interact with you, anything because you are the one person they look up to!! It’s soo hard, even me, I’ve had to slow down take a few deep breaths and then talk because if I don’t and I just talk then the water works begin and my goodness do those just wrench at my heart. But I’ve found that most of the time it is just a show; just them dealing with their own emotions in the only way that they have for their whole lives up to this point. My daughter just barely three now definitely has that figured out! And instead of giving in and pulling her into my arms to snuggle her and make her feel better I have started to get down to her level, look her in the eyes and talk to her, explaining in the most basic terms why what she is doing is wrong or not the right way. Her usual response is “I can’t” or “No” but after a few more stern talkings she stops the waterworks and seems to understand what I am saying better. I still cringe inside and feel bad about me having to upset her a little bit, but I know that in the future everything will be better for her because of it. Who said parenting is easy??? I swear the pregnancy is the easy part everything after that is an adventure! And trial depending on how one looks at it.

Raising a child, holy crap what a difficult process….All these different stages of life, the first where they are so depend on you for everything in their life, food, fluids, hygiene, everything, to where they start venturing out on their own, crawling, walking, running, and then when they start talking, goodness what a step you go from speaking for them to needing to listen in order to make your own day easier ๐Ÿ˜› Then there is actual cognitive thought, them connecting the dots and beginning to understand everything that is going on around them….No one explains these many little steps while we are pregnant, there should be a Overview somewhere in the mad amounts of paperwork that the hospital makes you fill out when you are in labor. Of course I’m sure there is something out there, but still easy access, being able to understand what the author is saying is also everything!!

Hehe…all in all in a very true quote from Sue Atkins –“There is no such thing as a perfect parent so just be a real one.”

Yarn Fanatic

Hello Hello!!

So how many of y’all are totally yarn fanatics?? Like you completely love crocheting, knitting, working with looms, making all sorts of other things with yarn?? I personally am a yarn addict, even today it was pointed out to me that I can totally NOT control myself when it comes to getting more yarn. I have like 5-6 totes of it stacked completely high to the ceiling but just today I went and bought 3 more skeins of yarn!! What the heck huh? What can I say I have projects for everything and I just cant let it go hehe. What are some favorite types of projects out there anyways?? Does anyone have a personal preference??I personally love to make amigurmi, because they are SO different but it is still the same stitches that one would use all the time. The favorite part on my end is finding the patterns I search and search, free patterns are always a bonus but I must say there are some patterns that just call out to me and I must have them. Some examples would be like the African Flower Granny Square owl, stegosaurus, horse, rhino, etc…

So when it comes to granny squares, for me personally I can’t just finish one cut and then move on to the next one; personally I think the more efficient, even if it’s boring, way to make the squares is to do one part at a time, with how ever many squares are needed. Meaning, make the foundation (i.e. magic circle, the cross looking thing using double crochet stitch, etc) and if the color needs switched cut off a small tail, long enough to make sure nothing unravels though and make the rest. Then once all are made continue with all the other colors, I do notice that this can be boring sometimes, but if anyone is like me then I like the repetition and it is quite soothing to do it that way. AND if I complete the square first then move on to the next one I find that I get burnt out a lot faster because it feels like so many more and I haven’t finished any of the others ones up fast enough so I tend to abandon projects alot faster that way.

Youtube is an amazing thing, as I’ve gotten older I’m finding that I am much more curious about the various things that can be done to trick the eye when it comes to the art of making yarn into something useful, beautiful, or just for fun. Who could have guessed that there was so much in the world!! I certainly didn’t hehe. In the words of Albert Einstein “Creativity is Intelligence having Fun”

Failed Exercises :-/

Hello Hello!!

It is that time of the year where everyone wants to start exercising and getting healthy and everything….I of course am on the same line of thought, lol….I don’t know how many pins I have in my Getting Healthy board in Pinterest hehe…I have found that when I have a partner to do things with I do A LOT better at keeping up with my exercises, I have more fun, I’m willing to continue even though it gets tough! Does anyone else have this?? After many attempts at trying to get healthy this is what I have found works best with me.

I must say all I am really hoping for is to get rid of the horrid muffin top…and maybe make my “booty” pop ๐Ÿ˜› hehe But! The middle has got to go….after winter time I shall try to also get into running but that is a long way off and I can dread that later, tonight or this morning however anyone wants to look at it, I am beginning to do something that I think will really turn my life around. I need to have more fun in life! We need to look for the light at the end of the tunnel, the everything to our nothing it’ll be very interesting to see what the outcome will be. Good luck to those who are beginning, great job for those who are still going strong and congratulations on those who are finishing up! Enjoy the day in a mighty way ๐Ÿ˜‰

Twas the Night After Christmas

Hello Hello!!

It is the day after Christmas, well evening anyway! Lol everyone is sleeping and I am sitting at work hoping something will happen ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hehe not really but you know I always need something to do! How was everyone’s Christmas? I know my daughter was very impressed with everything she had gotten and it will continue to come!! She will be having a Russian Christmas just like the rest of my family hehe, how about y’all did everything come in on time?? I know my stuff didn’t….my goodness sometimes living in the places I love aren’t always the best for mailing, shipping or even getting a chance to get some products!! And sometimes that can be rough OMG but the stuff we can get are totally worth it cause normally that means we went shopping around A LOT in order to get that one thing ๐Ÿ˜›

So, I’m not all that good at cooking but recently I’ve been cooking a lot more at home because my significant other’s cooking is a little questionable, and more and more the cooking has been turning out GOOD!! Thank God for Pinterest! Like today, I made over the stove Glazed Ham, scalloped potatoes (first time ever!!), green beans with bacon and onions, beer bread, and homemade apple sauce….OOOH so mouth watering hmm a perfect end to a hectic day, even my daughter was impressed and she is normally a picky eater ๐Ÿ˜› After eating we went to go snuggle in and passed right out heck yeah! I know I loved watching her reactions to everything hehe…Today, well Christmas, will always mark the day that my family left the hospital as a whole instead of individuals, after so much work to bring the little one into the world, and today with this being her first real cognitive Christmas it brings us together all the more.

This 2014 year is coming to a lovely end, yes there were serious bumps in the road but it’s like who cares now?? I am stable in the home, I have lots of fun with all my various jobs, my daughter is healthy, my relationships are going well in all aspects. I’m quite a happy camper here, so good evening everyone in the words of ellen “be kind to one another”

Good Early Morning!!

Hello Hello!! IT is the squeaking early hours of the 22nd! Today 3 years ago I was in labor with my very amazing little girl ๐Ÿ™‚ Iโ€™m sure everyone sees these type of messages, but hey it is something parents can be way proud of ๐Ÿ™‚ Whether it be a single parent or a family! On this day everyone of us parents became an โ€œusโ€ there is no โ€œmeโ€ anymore! No more sleeping alone, going to the bathroom, having a quiet moment, doing the dishes even!! Our child(ren) are right there next to us wanting to learn, watch, ask questions! To me itโ€™s just SOO much fun to be a parent lol. As Iโ€™m sitting here at work, the dreaded grave shift, I am just remembering as much as I can about that fateful day 3 years ago.

For me the biggest part of my memory is watching National Geographic on the television haha, and trying so hard not to squeeze the bed so I didnโ€™t have sore hands when I finally got to hold my daughter. After I finally got to see this little bundle I couldnโ€™t even think of posting anything on Facebook or taking pictures. I felt so weird not even wanting to, itโ€™s very cool when people are able to do that for sure! I envy yโ€™all ๐Ÿ˜› because I would love to see comments from other people about how pretty or adorable my child is! Hehe, some wishes huh? My little one is growing up so fast, she likes to run fast, eat bananaโ€™s, watch george and learn anything possible, I canโ€™t believe that itโ€™s been 3 years, in that time weโ€™ve moved, grown up a little bit, made things ours and more. SO much to be proud of, sad about, and just plain old content, who cares what tomorrow brings? I agree with the magnet on my fridge!! Enjoy every day and just remember to smile ๐Ÿ˜€